MY NAME IS ALINE ROUSSELLE Owner and operator of Seniors Country Living (SCL). My husband and I have
been married over 25 yrs and have 3 lovely children. We are bilingual (French & English).
I've been a resident of Markstay all my life and very comfortable of being in my surrounding.
I have worked for the school board for 10 years and worked for similar home setting like SCL over 20
My inspiration to start a country retirement / boarding home was to understand my father's fear to
move to the city once retired. My father, like many seniors who enjoy living in the country, are faced with big challenges
in the city. Change of environment and lack of tender loving care (TLC) can be extremely devastating for the remainder of
their golden years. Our setting is warm and friendly. It is a place to call home with safety, security and lots of care.
With my wide spectrum of experience and education and caring for all kind of people, you can be assured
of getting the best of care and services.
To all of you over 50 and self- sufficient who want to be home and love country environment with T.L.C.
don’t hesitate call us, places are limited